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You may tire of hearing stories of my nephew, but it's 'Food and Family on Fridays,' so you will be subjected to a Kadesh story...
It was a day in which a lot needed to get done in preparation for my upcoming trip: lessons to review, phone calls to make, emails to respond to, etc. Living in the basement, I am able to do most things from the bottom floor, but I must go upstairs to eat my lunch, run errands, etc.
Each time I go upstairs, Kadesh greets me and comes running over to be held, played with, or, at the very least, to find out what I'm doing and join with me in whatever the task at hand. Bonus is when I take him downstairs with me and he gets to play around in the basement for a bit.
On this particular day, I had been in and out several times and upon returning downstairs late in the afternoon, he was no longer accepting of "Auntie M needs to work." He cried at the door at the top of the stairs, as has become his brief custom, but this time, he proceeded to bang on the door. It was as if he was saying, "I know you're down there! Come get me!"
He ceased his insistent banging after several minutes and I thought we were home free. Nope. After a time, he came back to the door and continued his banging as if to say, "I know you're still down there... I haven't forgotten. Come get me!"
I felt mixed emotions with each knock on the door. I was happy to hear his expression of love, but sad that I couldn't attend to him at that time (my brother-in-law had things well under control).
As I reflected on my nephew's desperate plea for my attention, I wondered if it was a better comparison to see God banging on my door pleading for me to give Him my attention or me banging on His door for the attention I want when and how I want it? Either way, I challenge you to take some time to give God your undivided attention this weekend. You may have a child, a friend, or a pressing need that are banging on your door demanding your attention, but I pray you are able to set that aside for a moment, give God your full attention and say to Him, "Thanks for knowing I'm down here and for always wanting to spend time with me."

In honor of my youngest sister, Chrystal, whose birthday was yesterday, I will share this Throwback Thursday picture of the two of us from my high school graduation.
After graduating from high school and leaving for college, I never really came back home – at least not in a way that my then seven-year-old sister could understand. Thankfully, that was not the end of our relationship as sisters or as friends. We have enjoyed bonding through many things over the years and I look forward to her moving to Colorado sometime later this year.
I will leave you all to chuckle at this picture and I will leave her with the smile of remembering
Gilmore Girls, random texts, movie quotes, sushi, Netflix marathons, recipe sharing, and many more memories to come.