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Pregnant women are not the only ones that crave specific foods. We often may not know exactly what we're craving, but until we figure it out, we munch on whatever we can get our hands on to satisfy that craving.
Yesterday, I was hungry all day. Nothing I ate seemed to fill that empty spot in my stomach that was craving something specific. Finally, late in the evening, I remembered the nectarine salsa my mom had made for me. It was the right blend of sweet and spicy and with corn chips, I had an added salty and crunchy element. It was perfect! I even dumped the crumbs of the bag into a bowl and ate the last of it with a spoon.
After indulging in the chips and nectarine salsa, I was finally satisfied. I was no longer hungry and I was no longer searching for what would satisfy that hunger.
How many times do we search for the wrong things to satisfy our spiritual hunger, knowing all along that God is the only thing that can satisfy.
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." Matthew 5:6
High school holds many memories for me. It was the cutting edge of laptops and word processors, which, for me, meant late nights procrastinating on papers I had to write.
One such night, deadline looming, the electricity went out right as I was productively cranking out the paper due the next day.

I knew that "the electricity went out" would rate right up there with "the dog ate my homework" for acceptable excuses to give my teacher.
So, we did what any teenager of the 90s might have done... I wrote my paper on a laptop by candlelight, praying the battery would last long enough to finish and that I'd have electricity for the printer in the morning.
I don't remember what I got on the paper, but I do remember my frustration about losing electricity and not wanting to lose the flow of my writing.
This picture holds a lot of humor for me, but it is also representative of what next week will be for me... There should be electricity at the cabin, but there is also a wood-burning stove by which I will sit and pray that I can spend hours in the concentrated flow of writing, praying, and allowing God to speak to and through me.