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At times, when I sit down to write or when I reflect on what God stories have happened in my life, I'm overwhelmed with no stories and too many stories all at once. I know God is working; I trust God is working, but when, on demand, I am asked to detail a specific story in which He is working or has worked, I'm often stumped.
My memory isn't what it used to bed. People have often said I have a great memory, but it's only because I write things down. When we write it down, we create a record we can go back to, a more permanent memory that we can use to refresh our memories when they fade.
I think that's why Peter said in II Peter 1:12-13, "So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have. I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body..."
So, even if it's not through a specific God-story of my own today, I encourage you on this Story-time Saturday to write down one of your God-stories. Share it with someone else. Share it with me through this blog and, with your permission, I'd love to share it with others.
We all have a story, but the beauty of our stories is God at the center :) May we be reminded of and encouraged by that truth today.
Last week, I was really missing Louisiana: the people, the food, the sense of family and home. I grew up there and while I haven’t spent my whole life there, I called it home for the past six years before moving back to Denver, Colorado, at the end of May.
So, like any good Louisiana girl, when I was missing all of the people and aspects of the local culture, I fried up some Louisiana catfish I had frozen and brought with me for such a time as this. And, oh, did it taste good! With each bite, I thanked God for the food and for the relationships I had formed during my years in Louisiana. I also asked Him to bless me with new family blessings and relationships with church family here.
And while I know God was the one bringing me comfort, I’d like to think He used the fried Louisiana catfish as a form of comfort on a plate and to my taste buds. What’s your favorite comfort food or what food holds strong family memories for you?