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Written by Johanna Zabala, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Ecuador
We cannot always be there to teach others directly, but God, the Architect of Life, in His great promise of love, left us the great Comforter, the Holy Spirit, who will always be with us to guide and teach us (John 14:26).
From the beginning, our Creator has given us precious samples of His immense faithfulness (Gen. 1-2; Ps. 19). For this reason, my beloved, when Jesus was here on earth, He experienced situations similar to ours. He was born, raised, taught, modeled, died, and rose again out of love for all mankind (John 3:16-17). For this reason, I certainly consider that when we read about His life and work, He teaches us infinite truths that only come from Him.
By living a life in Christ, there are many opportunities that, as Christian women, mothers, daughters, and citizens, we have to teach and instruct each other. We likely communicate knowledge in different ways and in different situations where we find ourselves. Daring to teach and instruct the precepts of the Heavenly Father is a divine privilege that leads us to obey His commandment to go and make disciples in every nation, teaching them what He Himself has commanded in order to increase their faith and belief that He will be with us every day until the end of the age (Matt. 28:16-20).
From the moment I was baptized, I have been learning to be a disciple of the Lord. My brothers and sisters in the same faith were in charge of igniting the flame of instructing me in the path leading me to fulfill the most significant profession of serving the Almighty. Some of them are no longer here on earth, but I continue with the teachings that they instilled in me.
I became a mother at the same time that I met God, and I am grateful with all my being, and to the glory of God, because my first daughter grew up in the instruction of fearing and loving the Lord; this brings peace to my heart (Prov. 22:6). Confident in the divine magnificence and in biblical promises, I have always believed in the power of the Holy Spirit and His guidance in everything that lies ahead and as the light that illuminates my feet in each step that I take (Ps. 119:105).
In my experience as a mother, I can say that the transformation that has been done in me served as an example and will continue to show steps for my daughter to continue growing toward the goal of gaining eternal life.
Every day, immersed in faith, I have learned to be constantly under the direction of the Holy Spirit, sharing the Word, praying and being in communion with others, continuing to follow the example of Christ, who despite not being here physically, allows us to follow His beautiful footsteps while holding His hand.
The particular result that we achieve, by learning directly from the grace of the One who knows everything, allows me to continue in the lessons learned, and to continue teaching others in this way at all times. When I no longer am among my friends and loved ones, I know that they will know how to advance in the footsteps of the Master and His teachings, and this conviction arises from His love and from continuing to follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit.
At this moment, my daughter and I are pilgrims or foreigners in other people's lands, and the Holy Spirit has given us many lessons for our edification. I am sure that if we are separated due to travel or other situations, we can remember those lessons to encourage us to always continue learning and teaching others.
The certainty that He is always there and that He will be there until the end of the age motivates me, and hopefully all of us, to consider that, even when we are no longer here, our children, students, or disciples will not deviate for any reason from His commandments and the ultimate goal of eternity with God.
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Written by Beliza Patrícia, Brazil Coordinator for Iron Rose Sister Ministries
When we think of the 12 apostles and the time in which they walked with Jesus on this earth, it is easy to imagine them as Jesus’ helpers. But when a master finishes a job, the helper doesn’t have any more tasks. In reality, the apostles were more like interns. In other words, throughout the time that Jesus was with the apostles, He was preparing them so that when the moment came that He would no longer be with them, they would be prepared to take on the role of presenting the gospel to the world.
Jesus came to the earth to accomplish a mission, and for the three years of His ministry He prepared the apostles for the mission they would have after His departure. The Teacher chose humble men to proclaim His Kingdom and taught them about eternal life, forgiveness of sins, and the love of the Father. Day after day the apostles walked by His side: talking with Him, asking questions, listening to parables, seeing the manifestation of His power healing the sick, expelling demons, performing miracles, and witnessing His disapproval of the behavior of the teachers of the law. By association and personal contact, Christ prepared the apostles for His service.
In recounting the events of Jesus’ last days on earth, John wrote in his gospel:
It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end. (John 13:1 NIV)
Throughout His time on earth, Jesus showed the apostles that He loved them. And it was with love that He prepared and equipped those who became the leaders of His church. With love he sent them to preach the gospel to all of creation.
Knowing that His ministry on earth was coming to an end and that He would no longer be with those who walked with Him on His journey, Jesus made recommendations and promises to the apostles (John 14, 15, and 16). Like a good teacher, He encouraged them and prepared them for the future. He alerted them about the persecution they would suffer for obeying the Savior.
One of the promises that Jesus made was to send them the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, who would comfort them and testify of Jesus. The Holy Spirit would empower them to succeed along the way. The gospel was not proclaimed by human strength or wisdom, but by the power of God.
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. (John 14:16,17)
After Jesus’ death, the apostles were to be Christ’s witnesses and to proclaim to the world what they had seen and heard from Him. They were to be God’s collaborators in the salvation of mankind. It was to fulfill this role that these men, so different from each other, were chosen and prepared. This may seem like a grandiose mission for such simple men, but those who heard them marveled… because they didn’t speak about themselves, but were presenting the way to the Savior. The apostles’ teaching declared that everything they did came from the power of Christ.
The apostles were prepared for the mission through their relationship with Jesus, the Son of God, and then continued their mission with the Comforter, the Holy Spirit of God, who taught them what was needed, and who reminded them of the teachings of Jesus. God was in relationship with the apostles all along.
God also wants to be in relationship with us. With love He wants to prepare us for our mission, and when we are baptized in the name of Jesus, we receive the Holy Spirit that comforts, orients, and intercedes for us. “Come near to God and he will come near to you!” (James 4:8)
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