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Written by Katie Forbess, Board President
There is something extremely special about when women get together to focus on learning and celebrating Christ that allows for intergenerational diversity in a natural way. One of the most beautiful things about an Iron Rose Sister Ministries event is the multigenerational representation. This aspect of the events is also international.
A recent bilingual event was hosted by the Memorial Church of Christ in Houston, Texas, where I grew up going to church and only a block from where I grew up going to high school. I was unable to attend that event in-person, but loved hearing the God stories about the intergenerational and international diversity, as pictured (photo cred: @findyournitsch). Everyone celebrated with everyone else and learned from each other.
Relationships throughout the Bible show mentorships and intergenerational learning. David and Saul started as David soothed Saul by playing his harp and observing his role as king. It then moved into a dangerous game of hide and seek. David taught King Saul, as well as others, when he faced the giant and convinced his best friend that his father was going to try to kill David. Along the way, David learned the importance of keeping God’s Spirit and prayed after his own sin that it not be removed as it was from Saul. Nathan led David though that terrible time of repentance and restoration. David learned and taught through relationships.
Jesus brought multitudes together that were diverse in ages, like when the small boy brought his five loaves and two fishes from amongst 5,000 men. When the children approached Him at other times, the disciples were not as accepting, but Christ used it as a teaching moment to emphasize the importance of the younger generation. Jesus also honored the widow who had lost her son. From the old to the young, Jesus taught through all ages of relationship.
The early church needed a reminder to take care of the older generation. They elected seven men to help make sure this would happen evenly across both the Hebraic and Hellenistic Jews (Acts 6). James continues this emphasis in his book, including the multigenerational admonition to take care of widows and orphans (1:27). I don’t think that was solely for the widows’ and orphans’ benefit. Everyone learned as those two groups were being served.
I can testify to the blessing of learning from those we think that we have been called to serve or teach—most recently from a new neighbor. I can truly say every time I have been close to her I have learned more about her love for the Lord, her faithfulness and gracefulness, her honesty and transparency. We have a lot in common even though she is older than I am by at least 20 years. We both love dogs and bugs and our families and laughing.
I remember my first conversation with her was mainly about our dogs. The second one was about house robes and how we like to wear our husbands’ but for some reason the sleeves were so wide that water from the sink always ran down them. The third time, I learned she was a member of the Church of Christ and met one of her best friends who had come to visit from California.
About two weeks prior, she had lost her husband and her dog during the same week, but I didn't know that she had lost her dog before I went. I went over with a plan to talk to her because I wasn’t able to go to the funeral. I took a puppy I have been taking care of for “puppy therapy.”
I learned that she misses her husband and her dog terribly. She loved on the puppy and asked about my family. She was so happy that a neighbor was going with her to church on Sunday after listening to the preacher at the funeral, and I told her that her husband, who was an evangelist, received the best gift at his funeral! He was smiling in heaven! As we spoke, she taught me by sharing her stories of grief highlighted by the faithfulness of God.
At church gatherings, throughout the Bible, and with a neighbor, we can see the impact of teaching and learning through intergenerational relationships. Who can you reach out to today? Someone younger? Someone older? Share your stories with us!
Written by Liliana Henríquez, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Colombia
There is a well-known saying, "Time is money." I believe this means that all the years of life granted by God are very valuable, both for ourselves and for others. Time is not necessarily synonymous with wisdom, but it does equate to experience.
Wisdom is God's gift, and when we are lacking it, we can ask for it and He guarantees that He will give it to us abundantly (James 1:5). Experience brings with it the knowledge and skills we acquire over time. Both are important, necessary, and valuable during our time on earth.
In our daily lives, we come across many challenges and situations that other people have already experienced such as divorce, marriage, raising children, traveling, changes in our work life, and others. And thanks to what we call intergenerational relationships— friendships among people of different ages—we can find better and faster solutions to our problems, always remembering that "wisdom is found in those who take advice" (Prov. 13:10b NIV).
Ruth and Naomi's relationship is an excellent example of a wonderful intergenerational relationship.
Ruth was in the same situation as Naomi—they were both widows. However, Naomi had a plan: return to her homeland, Bethlehem. This was a new place for Ruth, but she agreed to be led by her older and wiser mother-in-law.
Now Naomi had a relative on her husband’s side, a man of standing from the clan of Elimelek, whose name was Boaz. And Ruth the Moabite said to Naomi, “Let me go to the fields and pick up the leftover grain behind anyone in whose eyes I find favor.” Naomi said to her, “Go ahead, my daughter.” (Ruth 2:1-2)
Ruth was a hard-working woman who listened to the advice of her mother-in-law, Naomi, and sought her constant guidance, and the good relationship that she had with Naomi was admirable, so much so that it was publicly recognized.
Boaz replied, “I’ve been told all about what you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband—how you left your father and mother and your homeland and came to live with a people you did not know before. (Ruth 2:11)
Naomi's wisdom and experience guided Ruth to directly seek out a man to redeem her. Following this advice shortened the time to improve her situation and lessened the possibility of making mistakes. Those same benefits can be obtained by all of us today if we develop relationships with older and wiser women.
There are many teachers of good things (Titus 2:3), willing to guide younger ones to avoid stumbling blocks. But to experience this benefit, we need to open ourselves to opportunities for cultivating intergenerational relationships that will allow us to grow personally and spiritually. The benefit is mutual: older women bring wisdom and experience to the younger ones, and younger ones help the older ones actively fulfill their God-given calling to teach others.
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock” (Matt. 7:24). Through developing intergenerational relationships, let us be women who build their house, their mind, and their heart on the rock and not on the sand.