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Written by Johanna Zabala, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Ecuador
The beautiful biblical passage in Galatians 6:2 encourages me to continue fulfilling the Christian mission of bearing the burdens of my sisters in Christ, my family, and others with whom I have relationships. Based in the love of Christ, this scripture is an exhortation of obedience, bonding, communication, and fellowship with each other.
When I say "burdens," I mean the various difficulties and adversities that as human beings and followers of Christ we will encounter in each stage of life, both physical and spiritual.
Over time, we may realize that some burdens began in our childhood. This affirms the great importance of a healthy childhood, starting as early as conception. Early childhood is the foundation of our adult lives. All along the way, we are soul, body, and heart, made with love and an existential purpose.
When thinking of ourselves as a soul, we have a spirit of life that we do not see, which makes it challenging for us to care for and understand. We dedicate a little more care to the physical or external body. However, we take only minimal care of our internal organs. We also have feelings, which flow from the human heart. The word of God says that they are deceitful, as Proverbs 4:23 tells us. We must keep our hearts pure in accordance with Matthew 5:8.
These three areas of life need to be attended to and cared for equally to achieve the first of the greatest commandment of the Lord Jesus. Faced with this need, structuring soul, body, and heart to achieve their complete harmony will present certain challenges or difficulties toward the harmony between the three. Therefore, it will take experience, acceptance, strength, and above all, a lot of wisdom and love to overcome this challenge.
Overcoming the difficulties to achieve this harmony requires walking together through each experience, obstacle, and blessing. We can turn this process into an opportunity, rather than a burden, to understand the reason for the way we interact with our peers. In interpersonal relationships, we can choose to understand, see, and recognize in others our own weaknesses and strengths, which will allow us to be better people.
Furthermore, Matthew 11:28-30 teaches that we can all go into Jesus’ presence. In Him, we learn and rest. We are invited to bear the yoke of Christ and to learn of His meekness and humble heart. The purpose is to find rest for our souls through full dependence on the Lord. Jesus helps me to observe my surroundings daily and share important challenges and sufferings with my physical and spiritual family. These are clusters of constant personal and spiritual growth.
By working with, getting involved with, and getting to know each member of the Church, we reflect the great need we have to help, build up, and love one another, as Jesus Christ Himself taught.
The Lord Jesus calls us to salvation but also invites us to heal the soul. Heal! From what? It may be from an unsuccessful way of living taught by our earthly parents, from which are called to be purified and transformed, as we read in 1 Peter 1:18.
As someone once said, “We see faces; we do not know hearts.” The prophet Isaiah, in chapter 1 and verse 5, emphasizes that "Your whole head is injured, your whole heart afflicted" (NIV). This reminds us that, despite having been born again in the waters of baptism for a new life, there may still be situations that have occurred but not yet been consciously healed.
I know adults with significant wounds from their childhood who still show significant gaps in their relationships. One study states that approximately 89% of people with voids in their relationships were abandoned by a parent. Therefore, within the home and the church it is urgent to help understand the importance of forgiving our earthly parents for:
1. Being completely absent
2. Being very harsh in parenting
3. Not exercising authority or not being there, especially in the early stages of childhood
4. Being unloving
5. Not paying attention
6. Demonstrating immaturity
Sadly, those who suffer emptiness in interpersonal relationships agree that the wounds they feel result from not having grown up with a strong family nucleus. This results in difficulties raising their own children and even more so, an inability to assert themselves in communication with parents, spouses, colleagues, friends, and even with our Heavenly Father.
In conclusion, as daughters, let us wholeheartedly forgive the inexperience and the hurts caused by parents or caregivers as soon as possible in order to be healed. And, if we have children, let’s not hurt them. A commitment like this requires constant prayer and wisdom in the love of Christ. Let’s help each other in sharing and forgiving.
Written by Kat Bittner, volunteer and member of the Board of Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Colorado
“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2 NIV).
“A true relationship is two imperfect people refusing to give up on each other” (Unknown). That could not be a more fitting description for us as humans in relationship with each other. Relationships are often hard. They take a great deal of commitment and effort on our part to be even the least bit fulfilling. Our sinful nature, clothed in selfish desire, often keeps us from working on relationships as we should. But like anything else in life that is good, we need to ensure that God is at the forefront of our relationships and that He is the reason we do what we do. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men”
(Col. 3:23).
God designed relationship, and He designed it to be a reciprocal effort; each person brings something to the relationship that is equally satisfying. Consequently, the best relationships are enveloped in a common love (1 Cor. 13:4-7). The best relationships build us up rather than tear us down (1 Thes. 5:11). The best relationships are burdened relationships.
Burdened relationships are those that involve mutual dependence on each other. We should be dependent on others (most assuredly our sisters in Christ) for several things. We need each other for guidance as “the heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense,” and “as iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend” (Prov. 27:9,17 NLT). We need each other for spiritual restoration for “…sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path (Gal. 6:1). We need each other for instruction on how to live as godly women (Titus 2:3-5).
Perhaps the most important thing we can do for each other as sisters in Christ is to share those things which encumber or afflict us. Sin and the struggles of life can weigh us down with extreme heavyheartedness. The burdensome stuff of life can discourage and weaken our spiritual state. We should never be embarrassed or ashamed to share those things which weigh heavily on our hearts. The adage “there is strength in numbers” is very true, especially when it concerns our spiritual health. The author of Ecclesiastes proclaims that “two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor…and a threefold cord is not quickly broken” (Eccl. 4:9,12 ASV).
We cannot do life in any capable fashion without strong relationships. We must be willing to share our burdens with our sisters in Christ. In doing so, we afford them the powerful healing that comes from prayer, thereby encouraging them on to a better, stronger faith. “Pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results” (James 5:16, NLT).
Our burdens need to be shouldered by each other so faith can reach its crowning achievement. Faith is made stronger when our relationships with each other better mimic our relationship with God. When our relationships with each other are more authentic, transparent, and persevering, we can better cope with the heaviness that life brings us and others. Shouldering our burdens with one another is a key element for building good relationships because it also demonstrates selflessness. And we truly live by the tenets of Jesus’ teaching when we humble ourselves enough to selflessly carry the burdens of others (Phil. 2:3, Rom. 13:8; Gal. 5:13; 2 Jn. 1:6). Even more wonderful is that we can have our burdens shouldered by Jesus, too. In fact, He expects it of us. He whose burden is light asks us to burden Himself with our heaviness. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened….my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matt. 11:28,30 NIV).
Sisters, we cannot afford to be stagnant or self-righteous in our relationships. Good relationships require effort and perseverance. We must be committed to working selflessly in our relationships if we are to be pleasing to God. Relationships can fuel our faith because they require a refusal to give up on each other just as God refuses to give up on us. God has “chosen you and will not throw you away” (Is. 41:9 NLT). A burdened relationship demonstrates a faithful work. It is a good thing! How will you be burdened by your relationships?