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Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1 NIV)
Faith, as the author of Hebrews defines it, is based on things that we cannot see or tangibly know to be true. We believe them to be true and trust that we can place our hope in God and His truths found in Scripture.
However, what happens when our faith waivers—when we start to focus on what we can see and not on things eternal? Is it because we are not exercising our faith and keeping it in the forefront of our minds?
How many of you studied a 2nd language in school? How much do you remember of that language? There is an expression I have often quoted to those whom I have taught Spanish. “If you don’t use it, you lose it.” This is not only true of a 2nd language, but is also true of our faith.
If we do not exercise our faith and keep it at the forefront of our minds, we will lose it. We will lose faith in He who is faithful and we will become less certain of what we hope for and less sure of what we do not see.
So, how can you exercise your faith today? Make a quick list of three basic truths about God on which you can always rely.
Here’s my list:
- God loves me.
- God is infinitely wise.
- God is in control.

Those of you who follow the blog and the ministry know that the numbers for the Destination Retreat last weekend were not where we originally hoped they would be. But God had a bigger plan.
We prayed that many women from Denver congregations would come together in this event. God brought women from eight states and four Denver congregations. God had a bigger plan.
The breakout classes were designed for empty nesters, women with children at home, and women without children. The third class had only three women present, but we could’ve talked, studied, shared, and prayed all weekend together in the ways we connected. God had a bigger plan.
Some like to designate who is in what small groups and I can understand the wisdom of that. However, we prefer to be prayerfully random in the way that the small groups are formed, and then marvel at who God brings together. Because God had a bigger plan.
Minor hiccups along the way were overshadowed by the tremendous blessings. God had a bigger plan.
At numerous points along the way, I was tempted to cancel the event altogether, overwhelmed by the move and the responsibilities of the Destination Retreat. I’m glad we were able to trust what God had called us to and persevere. Since God had a bigger plan.
Seeing the lives touched, sisters encouraged, and the way God’s name was glorified through the Destination Retreat, I am so glad that God had a bigger plan.
As we focused on during the retreat, I invite you to place your life and your worries In the Hands of the Divine Gardener. Because the Divine Gardner is the Divine Landscaper and he always has a bigger plan.