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There is always a God story waiting for you to stumble into it. God’s hand is working, living, and active. What a blessing when we can catch a glimpse of what he orchestrates—a reminder of his provision and that he never leaves us nor forsakes us.
The God story I want to share today begins in Baton Rouge at the South Baton Rouge Church of Christ many years ago. My parents worked with the singles ministry and a little with the campus ministry as well. Many students at LSU (Louisiana State University) and Southern University became Christians during the 80s and 90s. I remember many of them being in our home for Saturday waffles, crawfish boils, or simple family time, which students and singles valued greatly, being away from their own homes.
Many of the friendships developed during those years have continued for decades and I never cease to be amazed at the connections in God’s kingdom.
Thursday night, after arriving in Sacramento and getting to know a few of the church members setting up for the weekend event, I was ready to get some rest in preparation for a big weekend. My food was cooked. The IRSM table was set with books and mugs. And a kind family offered to give me a ride to the hotel on their way home.
Before we could even get into the car, Tekisha, their daughter visiting from North Carolina for the conference, and I began talking. She asked where I was visiting from.
“I live in Denver, but I grew up in Louisiana,” was my brief answer.
“Oh, my husband is from Louisiana.”
“Geaux Tigers!” was my immediate and enthusiastic response.
“Geaux Tigers!” she echoed and we were bonded for life with that simple response. Little did we know all of the additional connections God would reveal…
“My husband, Derrick Brown,” continued Tekisha, “became a Christian while a student at Southern University and worshipped at the South Baton Rouge Church of Christ.”
“No way! That´s where I grew up! I bet I know him. Do you have a picture? I’m sure my parents know him. I bet we know tons of the same people.” Words were spilling out of my mouth in excitement and Tekisha’s eyes got bigger and bigger.
Since we were on the West Coast and they live on the East Coast, her husband had already gone to bed, so we couldn’t confirm our connections to the Gulf Coast that night.
The God story from coast to coast to coast had barely begun.
That night, I texted my parents, who remembered Derrick, and also George Myer who not only remembered Derrick, but, the next morning, mentioned that Derrick and Charles Martin were really good friends “back in the day.”
“Charles is in the hospital recovering from surgery and would love an encouraging call from an old friend.”
“Great! I’d love to pass on his number.”
I could barely wait to arrive at the conference Friday morning and find Tekisha. She beat me to the punch and affirmed that she had spoken with Derrick that morning and “he remembers your parents because they fed him.” I chuckled in affirmation of that hospitable characteristic of my parents.
“Well, George texted me this morning and mentioned that Derrick and Charles Martin were really good friends…”
I could not even finish my sentence as tears filled Tekisha’s eyes. “You know Charles Martin?! He was Derrick’s best friend, but they lost touch and Derrick has been trying to find a way to reach him for years.”
Now I had tears in my eyes. “Well, I’ll do you one better. I have Charles’ number and he is in the hospital recovering from surgery and would really love a call from an old friend.”
Tekisha and I hugged like lifelong friends who had been reunited ourselves. We joked that the rest of the conference could be cancelled—God had already done amazing things and before the conference had even started!
May you rejoice with us in the God story that affirms his hand at work, from coast to coast to coast.

The testing of our faith produces perseverance (James 1:3), but sometimes we never see the full fruit of our faith (Hebrews 11:39-40).
What does it mean to exercise our faith or put it into daily practice?
Exercising our faith isn’t just about the times in which our faith is tested or we are asked to defend our faith. The daily act of living out our faith is also seen in the acts of worship, prayer, Bible reading, quiet time with God, meditation, fellowship with other Christians, and so much more. These acts of faith serve as a reminder to ourselves of what our faith is based on.
We are forgetful beings. And if we do not put our faith in action, participate in the daily reminders of our faith, our faith dies (James 2:26). It is not these deeds that create our faith, but they do strengthen and renew our faith.
Let’s transform the expression of our faith into a daily reminder of who we are and what we believe—a daily dedication to prayer, Scripture reading, worship, fellowship with other Christians, etc.