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I am not a nervous traveler. I enjoy flying and can’t wait for the feeling of being pushed into the seat at takeoff. It lulls me to sleep and, if it’s a short flight, I automatically awaken as soon as the plane starts its descent.
Later today, the flight I will depart on is a long one—a nonstop from Dallas to Santiago, Chile, where I will board another flight to go to Buenos Aires, Argentina, for the first leg of a three-week trip.
While traveling, my faith is put to the test since there are many more things out of my control than when I am at home: my schedule, my food, and even my safety.
The trips that I take serve as a reminder of how faithful God is to protect and care for me, no matter where I am.
During the next three weeks, while I travel, please join me in lifting the following requests to our Father:
- Safety and no complications in all of the travel logistics through three countries
- Health, especially for my gut and feasibility of finding the foods I need
- That God will speak through me to encourage and bless the women I come into contact with
- That God will bless the Redentor congregation hosting me in Buenos Aires, and the classes I will teach there
- That God will bless all those who will attend the national Bolivian camp in Cochabamba, and the women’s track I will teach
- That God will speak through me and rejoice with the Sisters Connected in Christ, in Santiago, Chile, for the conference
The following post was written during a writing retreat in January 2014. It is too fitting in the context of this month’s posts to not share again.
“Fear was at its peak. I was not afraid of spending five days alone—just me and God. I was not afraid of finding the right time or inspiration to write—although I’m sure Satan will attack in that area soon enough.
I was afraid of getting to the cabin in my front-wheel drive Toyota Corolla. I was afraid of being able to start a fire in the wood-burning stove and keeping it going enough to keep myself warm, especially my fingers since typing was one of the main things I would be doing!
Fear is a powerful tool of Satan and he loves to attack when we are at our weakest. As I stared into the fire that I was able to get going (yay!), I was reminded of its ability to burn away the impurities and its ability to keep us warm. Fear is like a cold chill that permeates our body. It can shake us to our core. However, our God is a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29), a refiner’s fire (Malachi 3:2-3), and He promises us a kingdom that cannot be shaken (Hebrews 12:28). What a promise!”