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What is the best Christmas gift you have ever received?
One of mine was a Black & Decker tool kit shortly before moving to Venezuela. Another was a pair of Mickey Mouse and LSU flannel pajama pants - purple and gold, of course, with a white satin ribbon at the waist. Both gifts were totally unexpected and so perfectly fit my needs and desires that I can clearly remember the moment I received them and still use them with a smile each time.
The value of these gifts was not in their monetary worth, but rather in the time the giver took to know what I might need or what I might want, even better than I did at the time. The best gift we have ever been given is the offering of salvation. God knew what we needed or wanted better than we did and before we did. In anticipation of our greatest need, He sent His Son: the perfect sacrifice for our sins.
No matter what gifts you received this year or in years past, let us be grateful for the greatest gift of all!