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Yes, you read the title of today's blog correctly. I have recently become addicted to brussels sprouts and am not ashamed to admit it. I'm sure you're wondering how I prepare them in a tasty fashion, so please read on to find out.
For 3-4 servings:
10-12 fresh brussels sprouts, washed
1/3 cup chopped onions
1-2 Tbsp. of your favorite cooking oil (I use grape seed oil, olive oil is another good option)
Start sautéing the onions and oil in a non-stick skillet on medium heat.
Add the quarter chopped brussels sprouts and cover, stirring occasionally. (Covering them allows them to steam as well as sauté. Be sure to cut the hard base of the brussels sprouts off and discard.)
As the onions caramelize, the brussels sprouts will soften.
I prefer mine al dente, but you can cook them down more if you like.
My favorite way to eat them is with a little goat cheese, as pictured. I can make that my entire meal like I did earlier this week. If I want to keep it simple, I sprinkle a little sea salt and enjoy.
Maybe my taste buds have changed or maybe I had never had brussels sprouts prepared this way. I now love them and hope you enjoy!
P.S. My 14-month old nephew also really enjoys them, so I've had to add a few more when I prepare for myself.
Today’s post is in direct contrast to yesterday’s: winter in Colorado versus winter in Louisiana.
This picture is a throwback to Louisiana girls in short-sleeves pulling a Christmas tree after having cut it down.
Did your family do a Christmas tree this year? What is most significant about the Christmas celebration in your family?
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