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The holidays seem to bring out our unrealistic expectations: to find the perfect gift, to decorate in a way that matches Pinterest perfection, to be the model family, even in interaction with the in-laws, and to make the perfect holiday meal.
On this Makeover Monday, may you be encouraged to remember that God's expectations of you during this holiday time are that you remember Him, His Son, and that you are His child. And that is enough.
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Being less encumbered my commercialism, it represents one of the most basic connections and foundational commands we have from God: the giving of thanks.
It is also, for me, about time with family and time together in the kitchen: cooking together, laughing together, making the time-honored and well-tested recipes as well as branching out to try a few new concoctions.
Today, I am most grateful for the faithfulness of my Heavenly Father, for the blessing of family, and for the new adventure that is Iron Rose Sister Ministries.
What are you most grateful for today?