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This morning, Denver has awakened to a blanket of snow and a severe drop in temperature. It is a definite contrast to the past few days' unseasonably warm temperatures. Fall was beautiful, but now the winter clothes have come out or, for me, the need for winter wear has become more apparent.
It's no fun to be caught unawares or unprepared. Thankfully, I've pulled some sweaters out of storage, my sister is willing to share, and I may have found a pair of boots on sale. When have you been found unprepared, but someone stepped in to help?
I know many college students that are cramming for final exams during "dead week," feeling quite unprepared, praying that someone will step in with the perfect set of notes, the clearest explanation, or the right answer.
What are you feeling unprepared for? Spiritually speaking, is there anything you feel unprepared for? We usually don't know we're unprepared until the moment arises, the question is asked, or the problem presents itself.
My encouragement today is to be prepared, not just for the weather or a final exam, but more importantly for the spiritual battle that is waged daily (Ephesians 6:10-20) and the opportunities to share the reason for the hope we have in Christ (I Peter 3:15).

Transformation, many times, comes through an opportunity to do something new, something we have never before experienced. It may be that those new opportunities come with fear - fear of the unknown.
The phenomenon of transformation through new experiences came about through the bilingual women's retreat here in Denver, November 8-9. For many, it was definitely something new and unknown.
For one sister at the Northwest congregation, she was impressed and sent me the following quote (below), reflecting the transformation in her own life and observed in the lives of others. With this quote, on Transformational Tuesday, I encourage you to allow God to use new experiences, unknown opportunities to transform you.
"Your testimony of God working through your language barriers was especially meaningful. It's strange how we try to arrange God's hand in our lives, and He's still willing to use us right where we are! I saw considerable interaction between the Spanish speaking sisters and those of us not so gifted with a second tongue, but even more significant is since then, the connection is still there when we see each other."