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Written by Nilaurys Garcia, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Canada
I am blessed to say that I have true friends, even if these are not many. Friends that I can share my joys with, problems, and that, above all, they will hold me accountable if at any time I committed to do something and I did not fulfill it. Maybe you're thinking you don't like those friendships but let me explain a little more. I’m talking about those people who are in my inner circle and to whom I have given the right and they have accepted the obligation to help me follow a better path. Those I can be vulnerable with and recount my struggles with, mostly when I need that reminder of who I am and why I should do or not do something.
A word that creates mixed feelings in me is "vulnerability." I would prefer to think that I am strong, and it is easier to keep the mask on that says I-can-deal-with-everything-that-life-throws-at-me. You are probably laughing with me at this moment when you remember all the times that we have fallen, just for thinking like that. If we are honest with ourselves, we can admit that we do not like to be vulnerable, delegate control, or much less be held accountable for our own words. I like to remember Hebrews 10:24 that says, "Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” (NIV)
And one of the reasons I don't like to be vulnerable is because it's easier to get hurt. That's why I can’t be vulnerable with everybody, but only with those who I know won't take advantage of me and won't hurt me. Now, who better to be vulnerable with than God and leave Him all our burdens, as we are invited to do in 1 Peter 5:7. “Cast all anxieties on Him because He cares for you."
Would we be able to leave our burdens, fears and worries to a complete stranger? I don’t think I could do it. It's too risky and I would feel too vulnerable to do it. The good news is that we don't have to depend on or trust a complete stranger. We have a Heavenly Father who only wants our good, would never hurt us, and gave us wonderful blessings as a gift for our lives. In addition, we can have people close to us that we trust and commit to helping each other become better. Yes, it is a commitment. There may not be a ring or a friendship bracelet, but there is the willingness and commitment by each one to make that relationship flourish.
If we want to develop our relationship with God and our inner circles, we need to start by knowing them more, by trusting them and, you guessed it, committing ourselves to being vulnerable with them. In my experience, when my relationship with God is firm, I also can be better with my close people and if I am failing at something, I am convinced that they will help me get back on the right path, even without being asked to do so at the moment. Every time my human nature tries to do what it wants instead of what it was called to do, David’s statement in Psalm 31, verse 14 comes to mind, “But I, Lord, trust in You and say, ‘You are my God.’
Personally, it is a contract or commitment with God, because it is a relationship that began by paying the highest price that could have been paid, the life of Christ crucified on a cross. I would like to invite you to develop a commitment to God based on vulnerability, because that will then lead you to develop an intimate circle that gives you the support, joys, correction, and everything you need to get closer to God. Remember that we are not alone and are immensely loved, but… yes, there is a “but,” we must be willing to trust if we really want it to work out.
Written by Aileen Bonilla, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Ecuador
The word covenant in the Hebrew language is "berith" and it means alliance, specifically God's alliance with man. It also denotes God's steadfastness in fulfilling His promise (“Berith,” online resource).
Jehovah in His sovereignty sought Abram to make a covenant that would be a blessing to all humanity. It is incredible how God, despite knowing how unfaithful we are, continues with His plan to fulfill a specific purpose.
When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, “I am God Almighty; walk before me faithfully and be blameless. Then I will make my covenant between me and you and will greatly increase your numbers.” (Gen. 17:1-2 NIV)
God asked Abram for two things: faithfulness, that is, not following other gods, and holiness. We may think that it would have been easier to be a woman of faith living in the time of Abram, possibly because it seems that there was not as much evil in the world, and there was no influence of social media. But the reality is that the amount of evil was the same then as we face today. There were many gods, and it was easy to be persuaded to follow them. But despite those temptations, God still demanded fidelity and holiness from Abram.
If we look at the order of the words in the Genesis passage, we understand that without faithfulness to God, it is impossible to have a life of holiness. These words are not independent of one another, but quite the contrary, they go together. We will not be able to lead a blameless life if we are constantly unfaithful to God. We may not be worshiping clay or ceramic gods, but in our hearts, there may be many idols that significantly interfere with our spiritual growth. These idols can be disguised as people, work, professions, social status, etc. I'm not saying that these things are bad—not at all. For example, who does not need to work to live? As long as we don't place our trust in our profession, it will not hurt us.
To serve God correctly, in the way that He desires, it is necessary to abandon our gods or idols. Then our hearts will be open to a pursuit of faithfulness and holiness.
Recently, in the ministry where I serve with my husband, I went through a difficult time. I put my trust in a brother who was very special to us. I thought he would defend our work, but ultimately, he didn't. Perhaps because he came from a family lineage that set a great example and he always seemed to show a pacifying nature, I realized that I was holding him up as an idol in my heart. I learned with much pain that I needed to leave this struggle to God, who judges everything fairly. I learned not to depend on human beings, but to directly ask guidance from the Provider of all things, and to understand that God in His sovereignty has everything under control. I also learned that when I want to control everything, I am not giving God space in my life.
God's wonderful promise to Abram was a firm, everlasting covenant that would bring an incredible blessing— innumerable offspring like the stars in the sky. Because of his and Sarai’s old age, this seemed impossible. Once again Abram did not understand that it was not about what he could do with his own strength, but about the power of El Shaddai. Abram had not done anything extraordinary to deserve this covenant—El Shaddai sought him out and completely changed his life.
After God's first visit in Genesis 15, when Jehovah promises them a son, Abram and Sarai continued to make mistakes. One of the most obvious was when Abram had sexual relations with his Egyptian slave, even though God promised him that he and Sarai would have an offspring. We can see that we lose focus quickly despite knowing God's promises. Sarai wanted to control the means by which Abram would have a son, forgetting that Jehovah is the One Who can make all things possible. She was eventually reminded that Jehovah is not a human being, He does not lie, and His covenant is eternal (Num. 23:19). Let us not forget that our hope should not be put in human beings, but in the Giver of Life.
At that time, El Shaddai promised Abram offspring too numerous to count. Today we see this promise reflected in the church through the wonderful redemptive work of His Son Jesus Christ. Therefore, let us put our trust in God and not in people, especially not ourselves.