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The Pepperdine Bible Lectures is attended by about 3,000 people from all over the U.S. and other countries. There are excellent classes – a spiritual feast. It is also a time to connect and reconnect – a reunion, of sorts.
Since arriving, I have met many wonderful people that are interested in learning more about Iron Rose Sister Ministries, but I have also been able to see many people that I have not seen for years.
One such individual is mentioned in the final chapter of Human AND Holy, the young man who joined us on a campaign to Venezuela, but did not speak any Spanish. If you’d like to read the whole story about how God used him as part of my journey into ministry and my first taste of the Holy Spirit working in my life, I encourage you to purchase the book! ;)
The irony is that he is now married to a Latina who speaks Spanish in the home to their children! Yet again, I am reminded about how God has a sense of humor. It was a joy to see him again and it has been a blessing to reunite with many old classmates from Harding, as well as brothers and sisters in Christ that I have known and/or worked with over the years. May God be praised for their continued work in His name.
Guest post by Kimberly Edwards, IRSM Secretary, and Michelle J. Goff's sister:
What gets you going in the morning? I mean what gets you going after you get out of bed after you have pressed snooze three times? A song, a prayer, a gentle nudge from a four legged, wet-nosed friend? For me it is a song. In high school, I would set my cd player to wake me up to music so I would have a gentle reminder to get out of bed. Music soothes my soul most of the time.
I remember one time in high school, I set my alarm to wake me up to a cd I borrowed from my sister, so I wasn't as familiar with it. Well, that next morning as my alarm was going off, all I remember in my sleepy state was a sense of peace and calm and perfection. Let me paint the picture. It was a beautiful fall day with huge fluffy clouds in the sky. The sun was already up and the room I was sleeping in had this huge window with an arch at top that I chose to not cover because I loved having the natural light come in.
When it came time for the alarm to go off, the beautiful instruments lulled me awake to semi-consciousness and I felt like I was in heaven. Since I am not loquacious, it is difficult to put into words, the feelings that I felt, but, I still remember that first moment of awareness and I felt as if the angels were singing and I was in heaven. What a beautiful way to be greeted in the morning!
What song wakes you up or gets you going in the morning? Does it focus your thoughts on heaven?