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Many are fully aware of the fact that spring has sprung. It is allergy season and the watery eyes and runny noses may prevent some from enjoying the beauty of the new life around us.
I am not a gardener. I have joked that my thumbs are black, not green. However, I love the beauty of flowers, of fruit and vegetable gardens, and of trees full of green leaves. They remind me of new life and beauty, as only God can create.
May you wake up to spring on this Wake-up Wednesday and a reminder that God is the creator of new life and true beauty.
“Think before you speak.” “We’re given two ears and one mouth.” There are various expressions that describe the importance of thinking and listening before we speak. I was reminded this past week how necessary that is.
I was feeling the pressure to write multiple blog posts and wondered how I was going to be able to come up with multiple creative topics in order to maintain fresh content for the blog. I threw up a quick prayer, asking God to give me insight and was convicted to realize that unless I take the time to listen, I won’t know what to speak about. Unless I take the time to be in His Word, I won’t be enlightened by a new perspective on a verse in the Bible.
My encouragement for you today is that you be transformed by listening – listening to God, listening to others, and even more importantly, listening to His Word. A simple reflection for Transformational Tuesday.