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There are many benefits to spiritual training and many ways to go about it. It is an active process that requires commitment and dedication. Even the decision to undergo spiritual training in a first step to being able to run with perseverance the race marked out for us. However, if you don’t get adequate sleep, it becomes hard to run any race or even go through spiritual training.
In Darryl Tippens book, Pilgrim Heart, he mentions rest or sleep as one of the spiritual disciplines. I couldn’t agree more. I can’t focus as clearly, run as far, or persevere as long if I have not had adequate rest. My attitude is affected, my stamina, and even my physical health suffer when I have not gotten the sleep I need.
Sleep, for some of us, can be hard to come by. I recognize the irony in speaking about sleep on Wake-up Wednesday, but take a moment to reflect on rest as a part of your spiritual training. Make sleep a priority at least one night this week. Other things can wait until tomorrow. Rest is another vital part of our spiritual training.
“Read your Bible and pray every day and you’ll grow, grow, grow.”
A children’s song with simple lyrics and a simple tune that I remember singing as a child. It expresses the basic truths and importance of reading our Bible and praying.
A prayer before meals and a verse in a devotional reflection is good, but do these perfunctory acts reflect a deep relationship with God that will get us through the tough times?
I offer a reminder today that there is great value in digging deeply in the Word, allowing God to speak to you there, and reveal transformative truths through Scripture. There is also a wealth of joy and promise found in pouring our hearts out to God in prayer.
There are many ways in which we can read Scripture, many methods of prayer, various other spiritual disciplines that serve as spiritual training. But the point is this: communication and relationship with our Father is foundational to be able to run with perseverance the race marked out for us (Hebrews 12:1b).
My encouragement on this Transformational Tuesday is that you transform your view of prayer and Scripture today. Look at them as spiritual training for the race marked out for you and rejoice in the opportunity to train and thus be able to persevere.