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I flew in to a majestic view of the mountains of Alaska and the Mendenhall Glacier. After collecting my luggage, I headed back to the 3rd grade.
Mr. Wyatt stood in front of his class and introduced Ms. Goff who had just flown in for a visit. "We have known each other for ten years." Wow! It does not feel like it has been that long.
Geoffrey Wyatt and I met back in 2003 while I was living in Caracas, Venezuela, as a missionary. He had moved there to teach at an international school.
I look forward to spending time with Geoffrey, his wife, Dana, their boys, Eli, and Lucas, as well as the sisters at the Juneau Church of Christ for the retreat this weekend.
We will eat arepas (a typical Venezuelan food) and reminisce a bit about the time spent exploring another country and building lasting relationships with Venezuelans.
Prayers continue for a country that remains in turmoil.
I was recently confronted with the idea that the term Iron Rose Sisters was exclusive, not all-inclusive because it refers to a specific ministry and not to Christian sisters in general or broad terms. I bristled at the comment and was stung by the possibility of its reality.
With all that I do through and for Iron Rose Sister Ministries, I hope and pray that it includes every woman that wants to be encouraged in her spiritual journey. With the image of us being unique roses and God as the ultimate gardener, we can take advantage of a visual reference, like a parable that uses an earthly example to explain a spiritual matter.
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Makeover Monday is a great opportunity to makeover the way in which I refer to Iron Rose Sisters. Every woman is always welcome and invited to serve as iron sharpening iron, to encourage and inspire each other to be as beautiful as a rose in spite of a few thorns. If I ever say or hint otherwise, I encourage you to be my iron sharpening iron and let me know. Thanks!