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Last night, the Wyatt family that is hosting me here in Juneau joined me in singing Happy Birthday to Luis Gomez, preacher in East Caracas. Geoffrey Wyatt, as I mentioned in Wednesday's post, lived there for a time and established a special friendship with Luis.
Tonight, from thousands of miles away, the spirit of love and family was palpable in the Skype call. Watery eyes were held at bay, but the surprise and the expression of love were accomplished.
The Wyatt boys got to "meet" the Gomez boys and the fathers enjoyed the blessing of sharing their families with each other.
After the birthday greeting, another special part of the evening was yet to come. The Wyatt family was introduced to arepas! Dana made a quick study and will be a pro very soon at making them. Both sons loved them and Geoffrey was able to relive memories of eating them while living in Venezuela.
Their son who has gluten and dairy issues at two arepas at dinner and at another half as a snack before bed! Another added blessing representative of Food and Family on Fridays.
Side note - please keep me and the Juneau Church of Christ in your prayers this weekend as we go for a retreat and look at the topic of "Falling in Love with Jesus."

My dear friend Luis Gómez is having a birthday today. This Throwback Thursday picture is of him with his two boys, shortly after the youngest, Andres was born.
This picture is representative of his laughter and the joy that he finds in his family, his work with the church, and his relationship with God.
What can you find joy in today?
Happy Birthday, Luis!