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There are days when my to-do list is more than daunting. I feel overwhelmed and while I sit at my desk ready to attack the list, I reply to a message on Facebook or clear a notification and get sucked into the Facebook vortex. Next thing I know, a chunk of time has passed and I have mindlessly scrolled through my news feed unaware of what I have even looked at. The next step is what I call Facebook Fatigue. Your mind is numb and you have forgotten about the productive intent with which you first sat down to work.
My encouragement on this Wake-up Wednesday is that we wake up, snap out of it, and get off Facebook for a time (after you be sure to like our page: Iron Rose Sister Ministries and tell a friend to do the same!)
For the past week, the country and the people of Venezuela have been heavy on my heart. It is a time of political unrest, violence, and economic turmoil, to say the least. I have close friends whose apartment building is right on one of the main plazas where the protests have been centered. Tear gas has entered their building and student protesters took refuge there, only to be chased by police into the hallways.

I don’t have any way to fully and accurately describe all that is going on, but I encourage you to join me in prayer on this Transformational Tuesday. Please pray for transformation in Venezuela, for peace that passes all understanding, that God will multiply their supplies that are already in shortage across the nation like God did for the widow and Elijah, and that everyone will seek comfort from the Great Comforter, and hope through the only One that can provide it.