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In a recent Bible study with some ladies, we got discussing “the box.” You know, the box we are all supposed to fit in, or the box that we think we’re all supposed to fit in. The box that is portrayed in the media, even in churches, that sets us up for failure because NO ONE fits in the box.
I encourage you, on this Makeover Monday, to make over “the box.” Let’s remember that God doesn’t compare us to each other and the only standard He has set is that of His Son, which none of us can achieve without His Spirit and His grace.
Some friends of mine had their second child, a baby girl, on Monday evening. Noah James was excited to welcome his baby sister, while mom and dad shared in the inexpressible joy of having a healthy baby born into the world.
I woke up on Tuesday to her beautiful picture on Facebook and my heart filled with joy for them – not only a joy in the birth of a new child, but also the reminder of transformation we can have in Christ when we surrender our lives to him.
Tia and Charlie were active students at the LSU Christian Student Center where I served as Women’s Campus Minister for six years. Theirs is a story of God’s power and the Spirit working in their lives and if I were to tell you some of the stories from when we first met, you would not even recognize the children of God that they are today!
I am honored to have been a small part of their journey and am thrilled to see them pass on a hunger and thirst for God and godly living to their children: Noah James and Abigail Joy. While we no longer live in the same city, prayer and technology keep us closely connected and bonded for life.

I will close this post with the text Tia sent me shortly after I hit “like” on baby’s picture on Facebook. I humbly share it with you as a reminder of God’s promise of redemption and with much love. ~ Michelle Joy.
“Abigail Joy. Named after the woman who gave me a thirst for the Living Water. Love you.”