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Paul describes the church as a body in I Corinthians 12. He highlights the blessing of the fullness of Christ we can receive when "each part does its work" (Eph. 4:16). This past weekend was a testimony to that as a group of ladies came together to serve, work, and bless - each in their own unique way.
On this Transformational Tuesday, may we be transformed by what God can accomplish when each part does its work and allows others’ lives to be touched and transformed through service in community.

I have been remiss in my blog posts for the past two days. We had an excellent, first-ever, simultaneous English-Spanish event as Iron Rose Sister Ministries this past weekend at the Northwest Church of Christ. The attendance was lower than we hoped or expected, but everyone came away blessed, challenged, and refreshed. All of the feedback was positive and many women were surprised and pleased with the bilingual elements.
An added blessing from the event was the presence of Katie Forbess, Iron Rose Sister Ministries’ Board President, and long-time friend of mine. She was an invaluable asset during the mini-retreat and we enjoyed catching up and dreaming bigger dreams for the ministry.
So, after a full weekend and in anticipation of a busy week, I have what I am sure many of you have: a case of the Mondays. May God bless us all richly on this Monday.
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