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“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” I’m not sure where that quote originated or if it has been medically proven to be true. I actually don’t like apples and the thought of eating an apple a day is nauseating.
My “apple a day” quote and reminder is that “a blog post a day keeps the stress at bay.” I am a writer. I always have been. I have my best prayer time with God writing out my prayers and pouring out my heart to Him on paper. I am most inspired when I can write what is on my heart and picture someone else reading it and being encouraged and inspired, even equipped to fight the good fight and finish the race.
However, at times, it is a challenge to keep up with the daily blog posts, especially when I’m traveling. I can get overwhelmed by distractions, confused by Satan’s advances, and lost in the busyness of life that I don’t take the time I need to write to you and express my thoughts to God.
I have found that if I take time every day to spend alone with God in prayer and write the blog posts, life flows a lot more smoothly and keeps the stress at bay. It is easy to procrastinate and set it aside, but on this Wake-up Wednesday, I encourage you to take the time to do what you know you need to do – spend time alone with God and work on whatever is easy to procrastinate.
Jesus went to the mountain to pray and “spent all night in prayer to God” (Luke 6:12). Jesus, the Son of God, God in the flesh who walked here on earth, spent all night in prayer to God. This shows me a lot about the importance of communication with God.
This Saturday, I will be in Bogotá, Colombia, speaking at a conference about communication and how we can have good communication with each other. The foundation of this communication is our communication with God.
The theme verse we will use is James 1:19. “Be quick to listen and slow to speak…” This applies to our communication with God as well. Communication is a two-way street even though, at times, we forget to listen to God in our urgency to talk with Him.
On this Transformational Tuesday, I encourage you to place a high priority on communication with God – just like Jesus did. And remember that communication is a two-way street. May we be quick to listen to God, our Creator and Heavenly Father.