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I was trying to get so many things done at once that I had trouble
concentrating on any one task. I
eventually got a few things done, but the list for tomorrow is ever-growing. It was a day in which I was highly-distractible
and multi-tasking became my enemy rather than my ally.
Even in my prayers, I seemed unable to complete a thought. I kept jumping from one thing to another, thankfully that God is bigger and clearer than my scatter-brained self. So, my prayer for you and for myself on this Transformational Tuesday is from Romans 12:2. May we be transformed by the renewing of our minds. I know I need a mental renewal and transformation. How about you?
It is easy for me to want to take credit for things I have done. I want my hard work, creativity, or effort acknowledged. I doubt I'm the only one. And it's good to honor each other by recognizing the talents God has given us and the blessings that come from putting them into practice.
However, I can't take the glory for it. Because it's not really me doing it and I can't do it alone. God is the author of all things good and He receives all the honor and glory for any good things we do or are a part of.
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV)
What will you give God the praise for on this Makeover Monday?