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Birthdays. We all have them. They can't be avoided. We celebrate them when we're young and the older we get, the faster they come and the less we may feel like celebrating them (or at least not the recognition of another year added to our age).
One of my most memorable birthday celebrations was when I turned 13. It was my year to have a party and we had a "creative" birthday party. We created our dinner (french bread pizzas), created a mess (feeding each other pudding blind-folded), created noise (with a bidding card game), created a video of our favorite nursery rhymes or poems, and, best of all, created memories that I still carry to this day.
What is one of your best birthday memories?
On Monday, September 30th, my nephew, Kadesh Austin Edwards will be one year old. His grandparents, an aunt and a cousin on his dad's side arrived last night. The rest of our family (except one brother-in-law), is here or will be here within the next 24 hours. I know that years from now, Kadesh will not remember any of this. He will have many iPhone pictures and even a few videos chronicling the time, but what matters most is that he will continue to feel loved, surrounded by family and friends.
We have thanked Kadesh for having a birthday and offering us the opportunity to gather together and celebrate family and life. How can you celebrate family and life this weekend?
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