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I will be seeing all of my sisters this weekend. Tomorrow, I will explain more of why and how with Food and Family on Fridays, but for now, suffice it to say that we are excited to have all four of us in the same place for a day or two. Since we live far apart and have different lives and responsibilities, it's hard to get all of us together. So, today, in honor of Throwback Thursday, I will share a picture of us from "back in the day." Isn't this a fun one?
As mom and I were looking at old pictures over a year ago, we realized that my current aversion to the color pink may be because I overdosed on it as a kid since mom was the one to pick our clothes. What's something you left behind as a kid that you look back at and laugh about now?

have been feeling a bit overwhelmed by all that needs to be done over the next
week and a half before I will be out of town for a month on speaking
engagements to Houston and Venezuela.
There just don't seem to be enough hours in the day, at least not for
me. However, I have been reminded that
people are more important than tasks and while I can put some things off until
tomorrow, I will never be able to get a moment back with someone I love. I'm not advocating procrastination, but
priorities. Jesus taught us that well
and it was a joy to discuss that with the Iron Rose Sister Ministries group I
meet with on Sunday nights as we looked at how Jesus handles interruptions
(chapter 11 of Human AND Holy, available through www.IronRoseSister.com).